
Taken at Hotel Green, Gregory 1910


The La Retama Club collection includes La Retama Minutes starting in 1910 (those before this date were lost in a fire or the 1916 or 1919 hurricanes); correspondence; financial records; newspaper

clippings; scrapbooks; photographs; writings; miscellaneous documents;  information on other federated clubwomen’s organizations, including the City Federation of Corpus Christi, the Texas Federation of Women’s Club and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs; and

various Xeroxed files pertaining to the La Retama Club.


To search detailed contents of the

La Retama Collection, go to the Finding Guide.


La Retama Club Histories

This section of the on-line collection encompasses La Retama Club history with information regarding the establishment of the local  club and library:  Corpus Christi before La Retama; the Texas and General Federations of Women’s Clubs; and the La Retama Club  1905-1914, 1915-1924, 1925-1934, 1935-1944, 1945-1954, 1955-1985.  The section also contains transcribed histories written by  La Retama Club members: Mary Carroll, Emma J. Koepke, Nellie Blucher Derry, and the 1985 La Retama History Committee.



The La Retama Collection contains many books of minutes from 1910 to the present.

 Selected pages from the minutes represent 1910-1911 and 1911-1912.



The collection furnishes a limited number of original photographs, including archival and current photos for historical reference purposes.



Program booklets, made on a yearly basis, provide the agenda and special programs with the Constitution and officers. View original 1910-1911 program booklet, Constitutions, and officers.



La Retama Club Collection houses a number of scrapbooks which include photographs, newspaper clippings, and information regarding La Retama Club and members, Corpus Christi libraries, and other federated and library-related club work.


La Retama treeHelp Us with Information about La Retama

The La Retama Club Collection is an excellent overview of the growth  and struggles of a public library and women’s clubs in a small Texas city.  Unfortunately, due to wind, fire, rain, and time, some information has been lost or destroyed.  If you have any records or family collections that would relate to or would further enhance the  collection and our understanding of the club and library, please contact Laura Garcia at 361-826-7030.



Special Thanks goes to:

Robin Carter and all the La Retama Club members for their additional support in archiving and maintaining this collection.


Jessica Brannon-Wranosky

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Last Update: September 2018  ©2018 Corpus Christi Public Libraries